Looking to improve your Age of Empires 2 gameplay? Join the AoE2 Builds Strategy Class today! Our experienced coaches will help you master key gameplay mechanics, learn effective strategies, and take your game to the next level. The Strategy Class includes personalized coaching, video analysis, and access to exclusive training materials. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, the AoE2 Builds Strategy Class will help you achieve your goals and dominate your opponents on the battlefield. Sign up now and take the first step towards becoming a master of Age of Empires 2!


Archer Rush

Archer Rush

This class will teach you how to archer rush and to use the archers in an effective way.

23 lessons 1 hour Beginner


As the second most popular map after Arabia, Arena has its own unque strategies and build orders. Feudal agression is replaced with Fast Castle booming at which point the game quickly turns into a large battle ground for the ages.

Even strong Arabia players have a hard time adjusting to Arena's unique play. In this class, Vinchester will show you the proper way to play Arena and give you a major edge over your opponents.

14 lessons 30 minutes Beginner
Men at Arms Rush

Men at Arms Rush

This class will teach you how to effectively rush with Men at Arms and how to transition after the rush.

23 lessons 1 hour Beginner


This class will make use of fast dark age attack and gives you various transition options within the same dark age build.

8 lessons 1 hour Beginner
Scout Rush

Scout Rush

In this class you will learn one of the most classic, useful and effective strategies in Age of Empires II.

Start this class and get ready to win your games with the Scout Rush

25 lessons 1 hour Beginner
Fast Castle

Fast Castle

Fast Castling is greedy, but can be one of the most effective strategies in the game. The key is knowing when to fast castle and good execution.

This class will teach you when and how to Fast Castle and will give you a dominate advantage over your opponent.

12 lessons 1 hour Beginner


This class will teach you how to grow your economy faster than your opponents.

9 lessons 1 hour Beginner


Water maps are really fun to play, and they are a completely different experience in Age of Empires II, with other civilizations and strategies.

This class will teach you different Build Orders, strategies and how to dominate Water maps. Have fun!

5 lessons 30 minutes Beginner
How to Play Your Map

How to Play Your Map

In this advanced class, F1Re, an AOE2 Pro and top 20 player, walks you through analyzing maps and deciding on ideal strategies.

4 lessons 20 minutes Advanced
Team Game

Team Game

This is the first of our series of Team Game classes. Jupe will introduce build orders, strategy, and other concepts that will help take your team to the next level.

6 lessons 1 hour Beginner